a stadium in Arles where they still do bullfights. Horrible.

The town of Arles from the top of the stade. In the distance you can see electric windmills! Yay alternative energy!

A garden in a former insane asylum in Arles where Van Gogh used to hang out and paint. It now sells Van Gogh post cards...a little sickening.

Us in the garden...what a gorgeous day!

We don't see much sun in Paris...

Me with Van Gogh

Me on a giant stump

A roman pont we visited. It was huggeee!!!

A tunnel we found. on the other side you couldn't hear anything but nature. So peaceful.

Into the woods

Shadows of the pont

Molly on the pont

The secluded Abbey where we spent the night. Yes, there were nuns and monks there. It was so surreal...and in the mountains.

sunset in the mountains <3

Ugh this isn't a good picture, but we went to a town called Les Baux which used to be a fortress during the middle ages, but was torn down when some king was trying to unify france. We walked around the castle ruins and climbed to the top of them to see the views.

Me on the top of the ruined castle

the town below

You can see how high up I was...and how dangerous I was being...

The Pope's palace in Avignon

Me on the Avignon Pont...which only goes halfway across the river.

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