This is a church we visited. It's dedicated to Saint Barbara, the patron saint of miners.

the town from the hilltop

inside saint barb's church

a miner

a jesuit monastery

The town hall; also where they used to make coins.

Old coins that were minted in Kutna Hora

Walking around town

The town well

After Kutna Hora, we made a stop at the creepiest church in the entire world: The Bone Church. This church looks like any other on the outside, but for some reason, the people who "decorated" it decided to do it in the creepiest way possible...with human bones. I kid you not. I was so creeped out. Apparently it's supposed to remind people of their mortality...but come on...couldn't they have sprung for some nice stained glass like other Christians?

a chandelier

A picture of me with the bones...being a perfect reference point for how cold it was.

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